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Sanningen är enligt mig, viktigare än verkligheten.

you touched my heart, touched my soul. i've kissed your lips. hold your hand.
now it's gone, with my dreams you tooked, remember me, remember us and all we used to be, i've seen you smile i've seen you cry i watched you sleep a while, i know your fears and you know mine, i miss you i swear that's tru.
You have been the one for me, and i'm stil want to hold your hand when you sleep, when you cry, when you smile, i miss you, and please trust me when i say those words, you have always been here for me.. but i was to blind to see that til' now.
Metro igår! det var kul, sovit hela dagen inprincip, påskmat är inget gott efter gårdagen har jag kommit på.
Puss // M.

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