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Att känna sig förlorad, är som att känna sig tom.

He's lying, She's crying Where did this go wrong? 
He's lying, She's crying But not for long...
When everything went wrong, i lied, was an asshole, i hurted you, and that's hurt me the most.
She hides her screaming, In sunset dreaming 
That's where she goes to cry And crashes down on her knees 
Searching for Reasons why.
And when i hurted you.. i realized that you hade a paper heart.. and i'm sorry, i really am, 
Ant there's nothing i can do to take it all back. and change everything, 
I saw a picture of you yesterday, and looked at the back. and you wrote something there.
I looked back and i remember when you wroted that. i cried, and the tear fellt down on the picture. 
Now i realized what i've done.
a picture of you like a picture of heaven But my tears fall down upon the wheel
Breaking apart as how I feel
Just how I feel // M

Dagen har varit rätt chill faktiskt! :D
efterskolan tog man bussen till gårdveda, satt och snackade lite med bästa SumpaN
sen gick jag med amanda en stund, vek av hos farfar (H) åt lite, sen mötte jag amanda,
vi gick hem till henne och Schtekte lite :D 
dagen är chill..

Hoppas det blir bättre med dig. Jag tänker på dig. Glöm aldrig det. // M

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